Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Food For Weight Loss – Food To Lose Fat

Food For Weight Loss – Food To Lose Fat

Apart form many yoga and exercises there are many foods that helps to reduce fat and weight. First you must need to concern on running in the morning. Here is the list of the food that helps to burn fat and loses weight. You should make a balanced diet plan as it plays a vital role in your health. Take the intake of the following food in your diet and you will be able to lose weight fast.

Salads: Make use of salads in your diet, carrot, tomato, cabbage, cucumber etc. Use curd and lemon with it.

Potatoes: Eat boiled and baked potato instead of fried as they are high in fat. So avoid intake of fried potato and fried potato recipe.

Curd: It contains less calories and it is also a good source of proteins. If you intake proteins in your diet you can loose weight fast and quickly.

Sprouted pulses: yes sprouted pulses work as a good diet for weight loss. If you want to have a slim body, you must take Sprouted pulses.

Eggs: yes friends eggs are the source of proteins and those who take proteins in their diet can reduce fat fast as compare to others.

What kinds of food to take and what to avoid?

Finally you need to avoid foods which have more fat.
Increase intake of food that offer more proteins to your body.
Eat foods that are rich in fibers.
Drink water as much as you can. Make you able to drink at least ten glass of water in a day.

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