Friday, August 14, 2009

Head Lice Home Remedies Natural Treatment

We can imagine parents feeling when their child suffers from head lice problem. Many people says its normal and there is no problem, but if we take care there would be no possibility for head lice problem, so why don’t we take care of it?

First make use of best possible head lice shampoo; if the problem is not so big then you may get rid with it soon. What mistakes most of the people do, they don’t read the instruction written there on lice shampoo that how to use it. So please make sure you read and follow the instructions first. Wash your hair completely as per the instruction then comb your hair with a good lice comb. These chemical shampoos don’t have enough power to kill the lice completely but may make them inactive for sometime. Also wash your neck completely as many of lice get stuck there and again attack your hairs with hundreds of nits.

Olive oil is also a good and natural home remedies to get rid of lice problem. What you need to do is that, get little olive oil and use that in your child hair just like a normal shampoo. For better results you must need to wrap the head in shower cap or in towel. The solution will work better and make all the lice dead overnight.

Now in the morning wash the hairs properly and with the help of a best lice comb put all the lice and nits out of your hair. you can try this home remedy for lice if you are not getting complete solution. This time also take care of your neck and remove all the dead or alive lice from it.
Wash your bed sheet, clothes, towel and pillows properly in hot water. Soon you will get rid with head lice problem.

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