Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Improve Memory Tips, Memory Improving Techniques Ways

How to improve your memory – Tips and technique to improve your memory power naturally

How to increase memory power has been a problem of each and every one of us. Mostly in case of children, they need more memory power to beat each other. Students eats health drinks and also don’t hesitate to take medicines which increases memory and brain power. Due to the increase in competition in every field, one need to boost his memory and brain power to memorize the thinks fast quick and keep them in mind for a long time.

Improving memory power tips and techniques

Use the time:- try to use that time which you just waist here and there. Try to use the time you spend in driving, in waiting rooms, in bus or any other places. Make a tape of your book and listen it on the trip to a public library or going other place. Do you know that how much time you have spent in car in last one year? How many things have you learnt in last year?

Rosemary:- this is a kind of berb which helps in increasing brain when the scent in inhale. Its said that the sniffing rose may wakes up the brain and brain function works good.

Have a proper sleep:- having a good and proper sleep is important. Everyone of us need to have a minimum 5 hours sleep. The quality is more important than the quantity.

Imaginary friends:- talking and take advice from your mind is a great way to access the information in your subconscious mind. Your mind can be a good friend of yours so discus the area you have want advice in and talk to mind whenever you need.

Keep asking the questions:- if you wanna have a sharp mind then don’t stop, keep asking the question to others or yourself in spare time and try to ponder the possible and good answers. you must be curious to know the things.

Drink wine:- red win is seems to be good and beneficial for the brain. It carries antioxidants which protect brain cells. Its good to have one glass par day for woman and two for men. It increases the memory power.

Always eat breakfast:- start eating breakfast from now if you haven’t started yet. It has been found a researcher.

Don’t let your mind free:- whenever you get time just start solving the math’s questions, Crossword puzzles, any query in newspaper which help you to sharpen your mind.
Laugh:- laughing is lesson down the stress and make you feel relax and happy which is good for long term brain health. Laughter also allows you to get new ideas and thoughts about so many things.

Do what other succeed person do:- find the people who are creative, intelligent and do what they do, think what they think but don’t follow their advice coz they don’t know the reason of their success in life. So you should do what they do but don’t do what they advice you.

Read More
Tips to increase your memory power
Ramdev Yoga


If you take tests, depending on results, some basic techniques and suggestions are given to a person. It may also contain some brain exercises and diet related suggestions. Experts say that these memory tests help, if followed honestly. Even some psychologists and doctors have their websites for conducting memory tests.