Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Food to Improve Memory Power- Increase Memory through Food

Food to improve memory power

As we know there are lots of natural ways to improve memory power, concentration power like yoga, medication, exercises, techniques etc. Along with these there are some food too which helps you to improve your memory. Better memory helps students to improve study effectiveness and learning efficiency. Carbohydrates are required for energy and omega-3 fatty acid is required for improving communicating between brain cells. There are some foods that can show you the magical results for your memory power. Below is the list of food which helps you to improve your memory power.

Fish: There are some special kinds of fishes help in improving your memory power. Herring, salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut etc are few names fishes that help in improving memory power. Omega-3 fatty acid is very helpful in improving your memory power and as per the research Omega-3 fatty acids is also found in these fishes.
As you know there is 70% of water in our body and is the main source of making blood in our body. This is also true that 80% of blood is only due to water in our body. Water helps in removing toxins from our body and keeps it clean and pure.

Seeds: Omega-3 fatty acid is found in flaxseeds which help in improving and boosting your brain power. Roasted pumpkin and dry sunflower seeds help in improving memory.

Vitamins and Minerals: Minerals and vitamins are essential for growth and functioning of mind. Vitamine A, C and E are the most essential vitamins for your brain which not only protect the brain but also preserve memory. Apart from this for energy improvement B is the essential vitamins. Sodium, potassium and calcium are few essential and most important minerals for your brain.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants are required to boost your memory power. The main function of antioxidants is to minimize the effect of radical damage on your mind. Plums, broccoli, beets, oranges, cherries, strawberries, spinach, Brussel sprouts, blackberries are the main source of antioxidants.
Egg yolks: is also very helpful in improving brain function and its health. It contains B and lecithin and essential fatty acids for our brain.

Yogurt, cheese, milk: these foods are good source of vitamin c which improves the function of nerves.

Fruits like Sweet potatoes, Beetroot and Carrot: These fruits are very essential for well nourishment of your brain. Vitamine B6, carbohydrates, vitamin c are found in rich quantity in these food which help in improving your brain power and also helps in purifying the blood.

Tea: is very beneficial in case of mental fatigue and to improve memory. Green tea works better than then black tea for the mind.

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