Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gastric problem home remedies indigestion home remedy

Gastric Problem Home Remedies- Indigestion Home Remedies

Gastric problem is very common in this modern age and has been found in many people. This is very common ailment and often caused due to improper digestion. Indigestion apart from gastric problem also give birth to several other stomach problems. There are many symptoms like pain the abdomen, vomiting and difficulty in releasing gas.

There many be several reasons for that like
Fast eating: if you are not chewing you meal properly, it can cause gastric problem. As your stomach has to do little bit more exercise in if you don’t chew your food properly. Many times it remains undigested and it causes gastric problem. Stress and anxiety, alcohol and strong drugs may also cause gastric problem. If the problem is becoming unbearable then know the doctors gate. Otherwise to there are several home made natural remedies available for gastric problem? You can apply these home remedies and can get rid with gastric problem. Here are some best home remedies for gastric problem.

Water with mint: Drink water as much as you can and also put 2-3 drops of mint.

If you are fond of tea then take ginger tea after your meal it helps in better digestion.

For fast relief you can take baking soda with a glass of water.

Cloves help in reducing your gastric problem. After your meal start sucking cloves and you will get the relief from gastric problem gradually.

Don’t eat food that is difficult to digest.

Avoid eating too much of sugar or sugary food as it has been observed that suger works as fuel for worms.

Lack of body movement or we can say exercises.

Take out the juice from radish and add some salt in it. Start intake of this juice for two times in a day and start taking it till 4-5 days.

Do regular physical exercises on daily basis.

Don’t take your dinner at late night and go for a walk after taking your meal.

Do some yoga and pranayama to get rid of gastric problem and keep your stomach fit and fine.

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