Sunday, September 27, 2009

Backache Causes Remedies For Back Pain Treatment

Backache Causes and Backache Remedies

Backache problem is very common and those who spend their maximum time sitting on chair and sofa, standing for a long time or in case of stooping, may have this backache problem. If you uncomfortable you may face this problem of backache there are other reasons for backache. If we talk about our spine, it have several muscles and the same get pressurized when we sit un comfortable or due to bad body positioning. This problem of backache has been seen more in women as compare to men.

A woman does lots of house work and bending and lifting kinds of activities comes in their daily routine and this is the biggest reason for backache problem. Backache problem also be caused due to pregnancy when a woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes. Position of the fetus changes the center of gravity of a woman’s back which results in altering curve of her spine. This finally results in backache. Women also face this problem of backache in case of menstrual pain.

Apart from it if you are not habitual of lifting weight and try to lift heavy weight then this problem can arise.

What are the best solutions to get rid of backache problem? Backache Remedies - Treatment of back pain

Do yoga and exercises: Regular yoga and exercise helps to give you relief from backache problem. Yoga and exercise provide strengths to our abdominal muscles and keep them fit and active always.

Sit in right position while working for a long time and stand in right position. If your chair is not comfortable, you must change it as per your body means as per height and body size.

Sleep early, don’t work for lat at night and try to avoid stress.

Taking steam bath also help in getting rid with backache problem

Swimming is also exercises which keep you fit through out the day.

Don’t try to lift heavy weight.

Yoga is very good for backache problem.

Don’t work for a long time in sitting or standing position, take regular breaks.

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Wonderful article! After having our children, I developed a sore lower back which I think came from lifting and carrying them around all day. It still bothers me sometimes but I do use my heat pad and Topricin pain cream (which is natural and way better for me that relying on oral pain meds too much). I also love a hot bath. I think you are right about women and housework being a big cause of lower back problems- plus when I work at my computer too much I notice back and neck pain. fun sometimes!