Sunday, September 12, 2010

home remedy for bladder infections

Home remedy for bladder infections

Bladder infections caused by various microorganisms occur more often in women. This painful malady should be treated urgently without any hindrance. If detected at its earlier stage it can be barred and helps in preventing serious damage to your health in the long run. Bladder infections can be occurred due to the kidneys infection. A plethora of home remedies for bladder infections are there for a complete healing from this lethal disorder.

Home remedies for bladder infections can be as:

• Drink half a cup of lemon juice in the morning for two weeks. This is advantageous as a home remedy for bladder infection.

• Make a mixture of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, Mix well and drink it.

• As a popular home remedies for bladder infection you can drink the mixture of one teaspoon olive oil with one teaspoon garlic juice in a glass of lukewarm water. This drink must be taken thrice a day, before meals.

• Sulfur contained fruits and vegetables like asparagus, spinach, cashews/almonds, are one of the best natural remedies for bladder infections.

• Cranberry juice is very successful home remedies for bladder infection. The patients suffering from bladder infections should take at least eight ounces of cranberry juice everyday.

• As a natural remedy for bladder infection you are suggested to take a Comfrey leaf poultice over the bladder.

• Cucumber juice is one of the most worth mentioning home remedies for bladder infection. It is popularly successful diuretic in this condition. A glass of cucumber juice mixed with two teaspoons of honey and one tablespoon of fresh lime juice must be taken three times daily.

• The oil of sandal wood is also beneficial for preventing bladder infection. The sandal oil should be taken five drops in the beginning and then steadily increased to 10 to 30 drops in a day.

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