Sunday, September 12, 2010

home remedy for diarrhea remedies natural cure

Home remedy for diarrhea

Diarrhea is a kind of deadly disorder characterizes by frequent passage of watery unformed stools. Diarrhea also causes dehydration that in severe condition leads to death. It is followed with symptoms as thirst, fever, vomiting, stomach pain, nausea and dehydration. Their exits several well known drugs that helps for preventing diarrhea, but they interfere with the natural process of refinement that the body urgently wants. With some home remedies for diarrhea you may help yourselves feel better without resisting the immune system.

Home remedy for diarrhea can be as:

• Natural home remedy for diarrhea includes intake of yoghurt as it will kill off unwanted bacteria and so prevents diarrhea. Banana can also be take with curd is very useful for the treatment of diarrhea.

• Home remedy for diarrhea encompasses potato juice; take fresh potatoes juice mixed with carrot and honey. It will help in complete removal of this fatal disorder-diarrhea.

• Home remedy for diarrhea comprises of Pomegranate juice. Drink a spoonful Pomegranate juice at a time regularly throughout the day. This will help significantly in curing diarrhea.

• Grape juice is one of the effective natural remedy for diarrhea. Grape juice mixed with water is effective remedy; in that case if an allergic reaction to a food or drug is the cause of sickness for diarrhea.

• Buttermilk combats against the germs and bacteria. It is mixed with a pinch of salt. Drink this mixture for 3-4 times everyday to resist diarrhea.

• Chronic diarrhea can be prevented by taking a mixture of turmeric rhizome mixed with plain water or buttermilk. It is one of the useful home remedies for diarrhea.

• Carrot soup works as a successful natural remedy for diarrhea as it prevents vomiting and growth of harmful intestinal bacteria. The soup of carrot must be taken after every half an hour.

• As a home remedy for diarrhea, the sufferers are also advised to drink copiousness of fluids.

Drinks like ginger or carrot juice is very effective in curing diarrhea to a larger extend.

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