Health Tips for Summer How to Keep Fit In Summer
As soon as summer knocks your door you must have started to plan for vacation. So you might be ready to face summer at your place itself and to fight with diseases. But u must not afraid if you want to protect yourself from this summer. Do you want to be spending a healthier summer this time? Only you have to do to just follow some simple heath tips for summer to be fit. And I hope you will surely keeps these simple but vey effective health tips for summer.
Few best
Health Tips for summer1. Say no to Smoking - In this time periods as we know more than 1/3 people in this world people die due to lung cancer and due to throat cancer and it’s mainly happen due to smoking. This habit also even entering in children’s life they think smoking as their passion but they don’t know about their harmful effect. For those who are a smoker then it’s a suggestion that stop it straight away. Even if you use to be around smokers then try to be away from them. Another thing even smoking is injurious to our health and to those also who use to be around us because it smoke is dangerous for health.
2. Morning Walk:- Have you tried for this yet? Its proved that morning walk makes a person healthier and fit according to the American magazine it is proved that most of the problems are faced by only those people those who are trying to be more lazy problems like sugar, gas problem and the main problem in now a day people is their fat. Because as science is developing it making more easier life for people and people don’t want to do work till they r not forced they use the simple way and mostly this problems will be fined in rich family because they want that their work should be done easily without doing any work and due to this these problems occurred.
According to scientific result it is proved that if u will do morning walk every day your brain will be fresh and which will help to keep fresh to our mind and if we will keep our mind fresh then our mind will work properly and if it will work properly then it will keep us fit and it is also told healthy mind is the main reason for the healthy body.
3.Exercises:-Exercises like jumping, skipping, body rotating and running etc is ever green heath tips for summer which make your body healthy and fit and also save you and your children’s from any type of small diseases in summer.
As it is prescribed by doctors that doing exercise make our body healthy and fit and as we know exercise is the main part of our daily life as doing exercise makes our body more energetic and healthy which helps us to protect from diseases like back pain, body pain, fever and other types of skin diseases like pimples, dark lines or wrinkles etc. if we will do proper exercises like skipping it will improve the proper flow of blood in our body. And running makes whole body moving it’s the best exercise for our body like hand, leg and neck, and stomach and helps to keep proper digestion of food due to which we save our body from gas problems and all.
4. Proper Food:- To keep us fit and healthy in summer you must concentrate towards your food. Like when to take food? What to take? If we will know about that, we can control over many kind of stomach sicknesses and skin problems.
Its told that when we eat proper food our body digest it properly and then our body helps us to be fit because if food will digest properly then blood will also flow properly and if it will flow properly then it will be then healthy body and we know if a body is healthy then no disease can attack on us and we will be free from disease and surely we will be safe from problems like dehydration.
5. Drink Water:- As summer is knocking the door other way to protect our self is to to drink lots of water as much as we can at least 8 to 10 glasses in a day during summer . More than that we all need to be aware of how much water we're drinking at a time and with which we drink. Drinking doesn’t mean that only drink water but some time when you are tired then try to take glucose with water. And we should be sure that sure we're drinking enough to stay healthy and to be safe from hydration.
Our body contains ¾ parts of water, so if our body will lack of water than some problems of dehydration can be occurred. Some possibly misinterpreted signs of dehydration: Heart burn, Back pain, Depression, Moodiness and headaches.
So to protect our body from dehydration we must drink at least 5-6 liter water either with glucose and other extra things like lassi coconut water and use barley water to get more energy. We should keep water in good bottle we should not use the plastic bottles but we should use those bottles which can be refilled again. So keep drinking and make our body fit.
And rest try to protect yourself from sun rays as much as possible for those also who are doing field work because they have to move here and there in sun only but due to hot summer they face problem and sick early but if we protect our self then we can also save from heat in that condition like go to the shadow of trees go towards the wall side that u may be protected from the sun rays and many more.
So if people follow these steps he can be fit and healthy in summer and can save him/her and even protect his family.
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